Celebrate Your Inner Goddess

January 26, 2022

Every week deserves a big mantra, a big message. This week, my focus is to celebrate the goddess that I am.

When I turned 30, I don’t know why, but this number was something I struggling with. Until just recently, for which I have shifted my perspective.

I guess prior to turning 30, and even at today’s age, I thought I’d be somewhere different. The “plan” I had for my life looked different than the life I currently have. I had the mindset of what I thought was right: I thought I’d be married, have a kid, feel settled in my career, and know where I was going in life.

Well, here’s the truth: I’m not married, I’m single. I don’t have any kids, but I do have three beautiful nephews. I do feel fulfilled by my job, but I want more.

I am slowly believing that where I thought I “should” be, was not where I am meant to be. In order to get those things, which I do want eventually in life, I have to overcome what’s in my way, and I have to fully begin to come in to myself wholly and completely.

That’s where I am now. Who knew you’d need age, years of learning and growth, to get you there.

I am celebrate all that is me:

  • I celebrate my inner goddess that shines her light through mindful movement, thoughtful messaging, manifestations, and deep communications with others
  • I celebrate both my inner and outer beauty
  • I celebrate the women and men that surround me and inspire me daily
  • I celebrate my accomplishments in my already 29 years of life
  • I celebrate my strength, and my weaknesses
  • I celebrate my acceptance of where I am today
  • I celebrate all that makes me who I am today, the lessons i’ve learned that have gotten me to where i am today
  • I celebrate the obstacles I have already overcome
  • I celebrate the hardships that have pushed me further
  • I celebrate my goals, whether reaching or still going for

I am celebrating the goddess that I know and believe that I am. This goddess, the one I fully embody has allowed me to accept and celebrate the third decade of life.

My note to you: celebrate your inner goddess. Her or she deserves it.

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